SideFX Labs [Pipeline tools] -World building -Simulation & FX -Characters & Animation -Geometry -Attribute & Group -UVs -Look Development -Compositing -Pipeline & I/O -PDG -VEX -Utilities ----------------------------------------------
[Tool Types] Artists tools - produces mostly finished art results - Building Generator - Cable generator - Mesh Tiler - Tree Tools
Production Buildibg Blocks - supports tool dev and pipeline performance - Fast Remesh - Edge Smooth(경계가 날카로운 메쉬로 표현 가능) - Polywire UV(uv따라 애니메이션 가능) - Curve Resample by Density(resample 포인트 밀도를 그래프로 조절) - Edge Group to Polylines (그룹별로 엣지라인으로 생성) - Loops from Selection (엣지나 면 등의 루프 선택) - UV Remove Overlap (겹치는 UV제거) - Physical Ambient Occlusion (앰비언트오클루젼을 좀더 정확하고 깨끗하게 계산) - SuperFormula Shapes (다각형,별, 물방울 같은 모양의 shape 생성)
Data Transfer - unblocks pipelines - Pivot Painter(ue material shader로 pivot 애니메이션) - Tree Hierarchy (pivot painter와 함께 사용 > 흔들리는 나무) - Unreal Groom Export (ue에서 alembic 파일로 임포트해서 hair 애니메이션) - Volume Texture (볼륨을 레이어로 슬라이스 해서 익스포트) - JSON Exporter
Quality Of LifeTools - making Houdini easier! - Cook with Timeout (쿠킹중 시간 오버되면 중단) - Capture and Embed (윈도우스크린영역캡쳐-Network뷰에서 Labs> Capture~) - Node Parameter Differences (2개의 노드 파라미터 비교) - Scan for Non-latest Labs Nodes(사용하는 노드의 버젼 확인?)
1.Benefits of Going Procedural - 시간을 소요하는 반복적인 작업같은 문제 해결 - HDA(houdini digital assets으로 관리,공유) 2.Strong connections to unreal - HDA <> Unreal 3.Artists Build their own Tools 4.Labs Tools offer Streamlined Workflows 5.Realtime FX Solutions 6.Optimize your Game Art 7.PDG / Automation made Easy - PROCEDURAL DEPENDENCY GRAPH >절차적 워크플로우 파이프라인 관리 8.Solaris / A Gateway to USD - LOPS ( a context built around USD) > 최종 렌더링을 위한 USD scene graph지원하는 look Dev,레이아웃,조명툴 모음. 9.Discover a Richer Carrer Path - 후디니를 배움으로 여러분야 문제 해결 능력 향상 > TD 10.Easier to Learn than People say it is
eosacro have got a great intro. If you are new to houdini, this is the best starting point (they cover advanced stuff though in later videos)
OpenVDB is a library comprising a compact hierarchical data structure and a suite of tools for the efficient manipulation of sparse, possibly time-varying, volumetric data discretized on a three-dimensional grid. It is based on VDB, which was developed by Ken Museth at DreamWorks Animation, and it offers an effectively infinite 3D index space, compact storage (both in memory and on disk), fast data access (both random and sequential), and a collection of algorithms specifically optimized for the data structure for common tasks such as filtering, constructive solid geometry (CSG), discretization of partial differential equations, voxelization of polygons, skinning of particles, volumetric compositing and sampling. The technical details of VDB are described in the paper "VDB: High-Resolution Sparse Volumes with Dynamic Topology".
Micropolygon rendering was a performance compromise that has largely been supplanted by raytracing in modern rendering setups. The micropolygon algorithm was designed for memory efficiency: geometry is diced and shaded once, then discarded when it is no longer needed (though it remains in memory if it is hit by a ray). Now that we have models with very high polygons counts and machines with tons of memory, raytracing/PBR is usually a more efficient method.
The "Physically based micropolygon" setting exists in case someone found a need for it, but is not really useful.
The following might be reasons to use the micropolygon rendering engine:
Scenes involving a lot of fur and/or smoke (using deep shadow maps), or sprites, can render more efficiently with micropolygon rendering, provided you are not using ray traced shadows or other ray tracing in the shader. Note that you might want to render fur and volumes as a separate render pass using micropolygon rendering and render the rest of the scene using PBR.
Scenes that require matching existing footage rendered with micropolygon settings.