■program download http://www.afterworks.com/Utility/ffxconvert.zip FumeFX 4.0 cache converter v.0.2.3 Copyright 2016 Sitni Sati [www.afterworks.com] Usage: ffxconvert -i <input cache> -o <output cache> -r <start end step> -x <channel name> -x <channel name> -i <input cache> - Input cache without the frame number. -i "C:\FFXCaches\MySim_.fxd" -o <output cache> - Output cache without the frame number. -o "C:\FFXCaches\Explosion_.fxd" Extension can be different from the input cache. -r <start end step> - Conversion range. If omitted a single frame will be converted. -r 1 10 2 - Conversion from frame 1 to 10 with step of 2. -x <channel name> - Channel(s) to exclude in the output (smoke fire temp col oxy tex vel). -x vel -m This option will try to minimize adaptive grid and create smaller cache. example: multiple frames with minimize grid and multiple channels excluded: ffxconvert -i "C:\FFXCaches\frame_.fxd" -o "C:\FFXCaches\frame_.vdb" -r1 120 1 -x oxy -x tex -x vel -m single frame with excluded velocity: ffxconvert -i "C:\FFXCaches\frame_0001.fxd" -o "C:\FFXCaches\frame_0001.vdb" -x vel ex). ffxconvert -i "S:\Output\cache\shot\FFX\exp_v02_ren\FX_exp_v2low_.fxd" -o "S:\Output\cache\shot\FFX\exp_v02_ren\FX_exp_v2low_.f3d" -r 101 300 1 -x smoke fire temp