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ver 1.5

Added user parameter to Niagara explosion to adjust overall size.

(check Niagara_Exp_Map.umap, Niagara_Bonus_Map.umap)






Posted by fx0275
2022. 5. 20. 19:11

M5 VFX Vol1 Niagara update (UE5) M5VFX/M5VFXVOL.12022. 5. 20. 19:11

This asset supports UE5.

Explosion Effects.

(check Niagara_Exp_Map.umap)

The explosion effect is improved after converting from cascade to niagara.


Youtube Link


Vimeo Link




Bonus effect - Desert Storm, Tornado

(check Niagara_Bonus_Map.umap)

The Bonus effect is improved after converting from cascade to niagara.


Youtube Link


Vimeo Link



Posted by fx0275

M5VFXVol.2 Fire and Flames

blueprint: building_DM_Blueprint

you can add effects to a specific fracture chunk.

old version.


The old version does not work with UE 4.22 version.

changed building_DM_Blueprint. > use [Get Center of Mass] to attach effects.

'M5VFX > M5VFXVOL.2' 카테고리의 다른 글

M5 VFX Vol.2 Fire and Flames  (0) 2018.06.13
M5 VFX VOL2. Fire & Flames Preview  (0) 2018.05.21
Posted by fx0275

M5 VFX Vol1. Smoke and Big Explosion

Unreal marketplace>


Trailer & Guide tutorial : Vimeo LINK

Trailer & Guide tutorial : Youtube LINK


Posted by fx0275
2018. 9. 29. 12:57

M5VFX RPG.2 projectile screenshot M5VFX/M5VFXRPG.22018. 9. 29. 12:57

M5VFX RPG.2 Projectile(Fantasy Magic)

Unreal marketplace>


Trailer & Guide: Vimeo Link

Trailer & Guide: Youtube Link

M5VFX RPG.2 projectile screenshot

'M5VFX > M5VFXRPG.2' 카테고리의 다른 글

M5VFXRPG.2 Projectile ..Working..  (0) 2018.07.20
Posted by fx0275
2018. 7. 20. 05:27

M5VFXRPG.2 Projectile ..Working.. M5VFX/M5VFXRPG.22018. 7. 20. 05:27


M5VFX RPG.2 Projectile(Fantasy Magic)

Unreal marketplace>


Trailer & Guide: Vimeo Link

Trailer & Guide: Youtube Link

M5VFX RPG2. Projectile Trailer from JeongukChoi on Vimeo.

M5VFXRPG2. Projectile includes stylish stylized projectiles that can be applied to RPG or various games.

The package includes levels that you can play with projectiles made from beam particles, ribbon particles, and more.

Blueprint Test Guide 

M5VFXRPG2.Projectile - Blueprint Test Guide from JeongukChoi on Vimeo.

Test Play Guide 

M5VFXRPG2.Projectile - Test Play Guide from JeongukChoi on Vimeo.


M5 VFX RPG.2 Projectile Preview from JeongukChoi on Vimeo.




sample project download


Projectile Lockon test project from JeongukChoi on Vimeo.

TwinTail projectile from JeongukChoi on Vimeo.

Projectile Ribbon particle Wave move from JeongukChoi on Vimeo.

'M5VFX > M5VFXRPG.2' 카테고리의 다른 글

M5VFX RPG.2 projectile screenshot  (0) 2018.09.29
Posted by fx0275
2018. 6. 19. 16:26

M5 VFX Series for Unreal Engine M5VFX2018. 6. 19. 16:26

M5VFX series Niagara system Update Completed.

** Niagara version is supported from Unreal engine version 5.0.



M5 VFX Vol1. Smoke and Big Explosion(Niagara)


Converted Niagara explosion preview


M5 VFX Vol.1 contains real smoke effects and big explosion effects.

It will be useful for high-quality games and explosion scenes.

Through the dynamic parameters of material and particle, you can control many aspects such as color and brightness, flame effect.

Uses a high-resolution loop sequence texture (up to 4096x4096).

This pack contains references that classify explosive elements such as smoke, sparks, smoke tail, and debris.

You can see how to control particles according to the type of explosion.

Edit as you want to try to create a cool effect.


Unreal marketplace>





M5 VFX Vol.2 Fire and Flames(Niagara)


Permanently Free Collection!! [ it's free. ]

This package has been registered in the permanently free collection.


M5 VFX vol.2 can produce various kinds of fire.

This asset includes assets such as shaking candles, bonfires, fire, flames, and explosions. Small fire to large fire can be expressed. You can apply preset flames by using blueprint props. 

High-quality image sequence textures are included.



M5VFX RPG.1 SwordTrails(Niagara)


M5 VFX RPG1. Sword Trails includes SwordTrails stylized as the first asset for RPG games.

It includes more than 50 set trails.

With a variety of ready-made textures and materials, you can easily create from simple shapes to luxurious shapes.

Create your own trail and apply it to character attacks.

It can also be used on mobile.


Unreal marketplace>






M5VFX RPG.2 Projectile(Niagara)



M5VFXRPG2. Projectile includes stylish stylized projectiles that can be applied to RPG or various games.


The package includes levels that you can play with projectiles made from beam particles, ribbon particles, and more.


Unreal marketplace>







M5VFX series Unreal Marketplace 



Posted by fx0275
2018. 6. 13. 22:07

M5 VFX Vol.2 Fire and Flames M5VFX/M5VFXVOL.22018. 6. 13. 22:07

Trailer: Vimeo LINK

Trailer: Youtube LINK


M5 VFX vol.2 can produce various kinds of fire.

This asset includes assets such as shaking candles, bonfires, fire, flames, and explosions.

Small fire to large fire can be expressed.

You can apply preset flames by using blueprint props.

High-quality image sequence textures are included.


48 Fire and smoke reference particles.

21 Fire particles for blueprint.

19 Fire particles.

3 Explosion particles.

Type of Emitters: CPU, Beam, mesh emitters

Number of Effects: 91

Number of Textures: 58

Number of Materials: 16 (+ Material instance 69)

Number of Blueprints: 5 

Number of Meshes: 14 (+ Skeletal Mesh 4)

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Mobile

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Mobile

# Disable (Disort_Emitter) of particles when using on mobile

   Mobile particle distortion is not supported.

M5VFXVol2.Fire and Flame Guide 1.Fire_Mesh_BP 2. Fire_beam_BP 3. Fire_Plight_BP 4. Fire_skel_vert_BP 5. Fire_PLight_Exp_BP

updated 1.02 
- added fracture explosion (attach particle to chunk parts.)

'M5VFX > M5VFXVOL.2' 카테고리의 다른 글

building_DM_Blueprint Simple Guide(M5 VFX Vol.2)  (0) 2018.10.04
M5 VFX VOL2. Fire & Flames Preview  (0) 2018.05.21
Posted by fx0275
2018. 5. 21. 03:54

M5 VFX VOL2. Fire & Flames Preview M5VFX/M5VFXVOL.22018. 5. 21. 03:54

M5 VFX VOL2. Fire & Flames Preview

M5 VOL.2 will be released soon. we will finish the work in a short time. Please wait a little longer. Thank you.

'M5VFX > M5VFXVOL.2' 카테고리의 다른 글

building_DM_Blueprint Simple Guide(M5 VFX Vol.2)  (0) 2018.10.04
M5 VFX Vol.2 Fire and Flames  (0) 2018.06.13
Posted by fx0275

# This guide explains how to control particles using Master Material in 'M5VFX Vol.1.Smoke and Big Explosion'

# This guide requires M5VFX Vol.1


Trailer & Guide tutorial : Vimeo LINK

Trailer & Guide tutorial : Youtube LINK

1.Create Simple Smoke 

Material: 1_FakeNM_Shadow_Mat

Normalmap or Fake Normalmap Material

Parameter List


-       FlattenNormal : Normal Map intensity value

-       Normal_Texture :

-       Sub_Number_X : SubUV number

-       Sub_Number_Y : SubUV number

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_Texture

Dynamic Parameter

-       Diffuse_bright

-       Emissive_bright


Material: 1_FakeNM_Shadow_MatND

Only remove Depth Fade Node for Cast Shadow in 1_FakeNM_Shadow_Mat


2. Loop sequence Frame rate control 

3. Two smoke texture blend 

Material: 2_SubUV_blend_Mat

Two Smoke blend

Parameter List


-       Fade_Distance


-       FlattenNormal

-       Normal_Texture

-       Sub_Number_X

-       Sub_Number_Y

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_Texture1

-       Smoke_Texture2

Dynamic Parameter

-       Diffuse_brightness

-       Emissive_brightness

-       Smoke_Blend


4. Fake Gradient Shadow & Camera Distance Fade 

Material: 4_Fake_DarkGradient_Mat

Shadow Gradient Texture

Parameter List


-       camera depth

-       DepthFade

-       Exponent


-       FlattenNormal

-       Normal_Texture

-       Sub_Number_X

-       Sub_Number_Y

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_Texture

Dynamic Parameter

-       Diffuse_brightness

-       Emissive_brightness

-       Shadowbright



5. Blackbody shader 

Material:Material: 5_Blackbody_Mat

Blackbody shader

Parameter List


-       Fade_Distance

Texture_parameter Values

-       Smoke_texture

Dynamic parameter

-       Smoke_SStep_Min

-       Smoke_SStep_Max

-       Temperature

-       Temp_Intensity

Material: 5_Blackbody_Bright_Mat

Parameter List

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_Texture

Scalar Parameter Values

-       FadeDistance

-       Smoke_SStep_Max

Dynamic patameter

-       Smoke_SStep_Min

-       Smoke_Bright

-       Temperature

-       Temp_Intensity


Material: 5_Invert_Blackbody_Mat

Parameter List


-       FadeDistance


-       Smoke_Texture

-       Temperature

Dynamic parameter

-       Smoke_SStep_Min

-       Smoke_SStep_Max

-       Smoke_Bright

-       Smoke_Intensity

6. GradientMap 


Gradient Map Texture

Parameter List


-       Fade_Distance


-       Floorswitch

-       Gradient_Map_count

Texture Parameter Values

-       Gradient_Texture

-       Smoke_Texture

Dynamic parameter

-       Smoke_SStep_Min

-       Smoke_SStep_Max

-       GradientMap_Index


7. Advenced Blackbody Shader 

Material: 7_BD_Cus_Opacity_Mat

Advenced Blackbody shader

Parameter List 


-       Fade_Distance

-       Full opacity

Inverted smoke

-       dark_smoke_Intensity

-       inverted_smoke_full_intensity

-       inverted_smoke_SStep_Min_intensity

-       inverted_smoke_SStep_Min

-       temperature

-       Temperature Intensity


-       FlattenNormal

-       Normal_Texture

-       Sub_Number_X

-       Sub_Number_Y


-       Smoke_bright

-       Smoke_SStep_Max

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_texture

Dynamic parater

-       Inverted_smoke_SStep_Max

-       AlphaOpacity

-       Smoke_SStep_Min

-       Temp intensity(0-1)(blend)


Material: 7_BD_Cus_Opacity_Mat2

Only remove Base Color link in 7_BD_Cus_Opacity_Mat

Material: 7_BD_Cus_Opa_Offset_Mat

Advenced Blackbody shader (smoothstep min~max : offset)

Parameter List


-       Fade_Distance

-       Full opacity

Inverted smoke

-       dark_smoke_Intensity

-       inverted_smoke_full_intensity

-       inverted_smoke_SStep_Min_intensity

-       inverted_smoke_SStep_Min

-       smoke_SStep_Max_Offset

-       temperature

-       Temperature Intensity


-       FlattenNormal

-       Normal_Texture

-       Sub_Number_X

-       Sub_Number_Y


-       Smoke_bright

-       Smoke_SStep_Max

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_texture

Dynamic parater

-       Inverted_smoke_SStep_Max

-       AlphaOpacity

-       Smoke_SStep_Min

-       Temp intensity(0-1)(blend)




Material: 3_MotionVector_Mat

Motion Vector 

Parameter List


-       Fade Distance

Motion Vector

-       Intensity

-       MotionVector_texture

-       Phase

-       Smoke_texture

-       Speed

-       SubUV_X

-       SubUV_Y


-       Normal_texture


-       Smoke_Alpha_Intensity

-       Smoke_bright

-       Smoke_Emissive_bright

-       Smoke_Intensity

Material: 8_Nrm_Flat_Mat

Parameter List 


-       Fade Distance

-       Full Opacity


-       FlattenNormal

-       Normal_Texture

-       Sub_Number_X

-       Sub_Number_Y

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_texture

Dynamic parameter

-       Smoke_Opacity

-       Smoke_Bright


Material: 8_Nrm_Flat_Mat2

Parameter List


-       Fade Distance

-       Full Opacity


-       FlattenNormal

-       Normal_Texture

-       Sub_Number_X

-       Sub_Number_Y

Texture Parameter Values

-       Smoke_texture

Dynamic parameter

-       Smoke_Bright

-       Smoke_Opacity

-       Smoke_SStep_Min

-       Smoke_SStep_Max


Posted by fx0275