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2022. 12. 22. 15:13

3dsmax 2023.1~2023.2 update Tools2022. 12. 22. 15:13




  1. animation preview performance 향상 (2016~2023)
  2. skin modifier improvements - skin 성능 향상으로 프레임 속도 30~60% 개선
  3. Morpher modifier improvements - Morpher 성능 개선으로 재생속도 최대 30% 개선
  4. spline Extrude 추가 - spline edit에서 shift+마우스로 extrude가능, vertex 적용됨
  5. progress bar improvements - 파일 로드,세이브 진행상황을 하단에 바로 표시해줌
  1. isolate mode improvements - 하단에  iso모드 선택에 따라 선택한 오브젝트가 뷰가 변하지 않게 할수 있음 (isolate mode 단축키 alt-q )
  2. vertex color 업데이트 - vertex paint 레이어가 여러 있을때 합치지 않고 전체 레이어에 적용되는 페인팅 가능 ( vertex paint > Capture 클릭 >페인팅)
  3. UV edit Relax 개선 - 오브젝트 전체 realx 되던것을 선택한 부분만 relax 되도록 개선됨
  4. Array Modifier update - Modify에서 array 추가 > Grid / Radial / Spline / Surface 모드가 있다
  5. Track View update  - 인터페이스 버턴 사용성 개선(활성/비활성 자동으로), 뷰포트에서 오브젝트 선택시 자동으로 track view 키프레임으로 이동 , track view 하단의 필터중 Animate tracks toggle 기본 필터가 .
  6. Chamfer update - Chamfer 면들이 서로 겹치는 경우 자동으로 보정해서 겹침을 방지해줌
  7. Editable Poly 알고리즘 향상 - 삼각 분할 알고리즘 향상르로 폴리곤 깨짐 개선
Posted by fx0275


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krakatoa - 파티클 볼륨 렌더러

frost - 파티클 메쉬 생성

stroke - 파티클 시뮬레이터 - PF나 FumeFX에서 생성된 파티클에서 reflow 파티클 생성 가능> 소스가 되는 파티클의 속성 값들을 시뮬레이션에 적용.

Gnome - procedural geometry modifier



Stroke lifespan 설정은 프레임 단위

MagmaFlow에서는 초단위로 계산됨 (프레임 레이트로 나눠서 계산)

magma shortcuts

Krakatoa MY Magma Nodes Creation — KRAKATOA 1.7.X documentation (thinkboxsoftware.com)


Krakatoa MY Magma Nodes Creation — KRAKATOA 1.7.X documentation

To create a Logic Operator node, either click on the Logic Category button and select an Operator type from the list, or use one of the following shortcuts exposing some of the major operations: = - create a new Logic > Equal operator SHIFT+< - create a ne





xmesh - 메쉬 캐쉬 솔루션


deadline - 렌더팜 관리


sequoia - 포이트 클라우드 메쉬 생성툴


aws 계정 생성 후 > 다운로드 가능

Posted by fx0275


space navigator에 포토샵 캔버스 회전 기능을 지원하지 않는다 :(



폴더에서 photoshop.xml 편집.


포토샵의 canvas rotate는 rotate view tool (단축키 'R' hold) 기능으로 부드럽게 회전 시킬수 있다.


그리고 Alt+F13, Alt+F14 단축키로도 5도씩 회전 가능.


그렇지만 일반 키보드엔 F13,F14키가 없다.


그래서 매크로 기능이 있는 입력장치에서 사용 가능.


space navigator에서는 키 68,69 번이 F13, F14를 가르킴.


xml를 에디트해서 적용할때는 Stop 3Dxware / Start 3Dxware 재실행하면 된다.


예) 마우스 Z축 회전을 좌우로 나누어  적용.


'Tools' 카테고리의 다른 글

3dsmax 2023.1~2023.2 update  (0) 2022.12.22
aws thinkbox wares free(krakatoa,frost,stroke,xmesh,deadline)  (0) 2022.11.20
3DConnextion 3D mouse >> support Unreal Editor<<  (0) 2021.05.12
Effect Texture Maker(Web)  (0) 2021.05.11
Google Earth Studio  (0) 2019.01.08
Posted by fx0275
2021. 5. 12. 13:53

3DConnextion 3D mouse >> support Unreal Editor<< Tools2021. 5. 12. 13:53





Version 10.7.2 (r3314; March 17, 2021). Third public release of v. 10.7.

• Updated: 3DxUnreal v. 1.0.1 (r24; Mar 15, 2021).

• New: [WIN-812] Add support for "Landscape", "Foliage" and "Mesh Paint" editor mode commands in Epic Games Unreal Editor.

• New: [WIN-815] Add configuration file for Epic Games Unreal Editor. Changes default navigation mode to "Helicopter".


Version 10.7.1 (r3280; December 9, 2020). Second public release of v. 10.7

• New: Support Epic Games' Unreal Editor for engine versions 4.23, 4.24, 4.25 and 4.26.

• New: 3DxUnreal v. 1.0.0 (r16; Nov 19, 2020). See [WIN-718] and [WIN-742].





Posted by fx0275
2021. 5. 11. 16:17

Effect Texture Maker(Web) Tools2021. 5. 11. 16:17





Posted by fx0275
2019. 1. 8. 11:31

Google Earth Studio Tools2019. 1. 8. 11:31

What a amazing~


'Tools' 카테고리의 다른 글

3DConnextion 3D mouse >> support Unreal Editor<<  (0) 2021.05.12
Effect Texture Maker(Web)  (0) 2021.05.11
Substance SHARE - Material Layering - UE4 shader  (0) 2018.11.14
Pixelator  (0) 2018.07.29
VECmap tools - Fflowmap gen tool -3DSMAX  (0) 2018.07.10
Posted by fx0275
2018. 11. 14. 01:34

Substance SHARE - Material Layering - UE4 shader Tools2018. 11. 14. 01:34




'Tools' 카테고리의 다른 글

Effect Texture Maker(Web)  (0) 2021.05.11
Google Earth Studio  (0) 2019.01.08
Pixelator  (0) 2018.07.29
VECmap tools - Fflowmap gen tool -3DSMAX  (0) 2018.07.10
MagicaVoxel (3D voxel modelling Tool)  (0) 2018.06.29
Posted by fx0275
2018. 7. 29. 13:51

Pixelator Tools2018. 7. 29. 13:51


Turn any image into fancy pixel-art.

Introducing Pixelator

Pixelator is a smart software to convert images into pixel art sprites and cover arts. With Pixelator you can use any source picture to easily generate Pixelated graphics for games or posters.

What is it good for?

Making good pixel art for a game can sometimes be hard, especially when you have limited time and resources. Pixelator help you generate quality pixel-art sprites using the following 3 techniques:

  • Generate: convert real images into pixelated sprites to generate lots of content, and fast.
  • Reuse: turn different art styles into the pixel-art style that match your game, and unlock otherwise unusable resources.
  • Create: paint in your own style of choice and convert it into pixel-art. You no longer need advanced pixel-art skills to create pixel art!
  • Prototype: create rapid prototyping and placeholders to express your vision before building the final assets.

For example, check out this robot converted to pixel art:

Or this basic doodle made in 5 minutes with Flash, and how it turned into a decent pixel-art RTS unit:


Best way to demonstrate the power of Pixelator is via examples. Please have a look at some of the awesome things you can do with it:

More examples can be seen in the examples gallery.

How does it work

Pixelator is a pipline-like tool that process the image using a set of smart filters. One filter handles the pixelation, another applies colors palette, the next smooth the result and so on.. 

All the filters are highly customisable and can be turned on and off, so Pixelator can handle a large variety of source images, from every style and size, and produce vastly different styles of pixel art. You can achieve almost any pixel-art style imaginable with the right configurations.

When you download Pixelator, you get a comfy windows application with a slick UI and configuration sliders. It looks pretty much like this:

In addition to the windows application, you also get an executable you can run from shell with all possible arguments. This allows you to automate processing and respond to changes in source files. 

When you edit an image in the UI application, there's always a bottom text that shows the exact command needed to reproduce this configuration using the shell command.

Pixelator Telegram Bot

There's an unofficial Telegram Pixelator Bot made by "Kobaj". You can check it out and pixelate images via Telegram! 
Please note that the Telegram Bot is not an official part of Pixelator and we can't vouch for your privacy (or safety) when using it.

Do I need any post processing?

No. All the examples you see above are without any post processing - what you see is what you get. However, the pixelation process is not 100% accurate and its not unthinkable that you'd want to highlight or fix some pixels, especially around eyes and eyebrows area that usually needs to be pixel-perfect.

And what about pre-processing?

if you want clean outlines, its important to remove the background before processing the picture in Pixelator (the outline filter works best with transparent background). Note however that you don't have to be super accurate about the background, since its all going to be pixelated anyway ;)

Start Pixelating Now!

You can Download Pixelator and start using it right now for free. 
However, if you want to use it for commercial projects you need to Purchase a license (one-time payment).

'Tools' 카테고리의 다른 글

Google Earth Studio  (0) 2019.01.08
Substance SHARE - Material Layering - UE4 shader  (0) 2018.11.14
VECmap tools - Fflowmap gen tool -3DSMAX  (0) 2018.07.10
MagicaVoxel (3D voxel modelling Tool)  (0) 2018.06.29
Pixelate It™ for After Effects  (0) 2017.06.01
Posted by fx0275
2018. 7. 10. 23:34

VECmap tools - Fflowmap gen tool -3DSMAX Tools2018. 7. 10. 23:34


VecMap tools Overview from clovis gay on Vimeo.

'Tools' 카테고리의 다른 글

Substance SHARE - Material Layering - UE4 shader  (0) 2018.11.14
Pixelator  (0) 2018.07.29
MagicaVoxel (3D voxel modelling Tool)  (0) 2018.06.29
Pixelate It™ for After Effects  (0) 2017.06.01
Advanced UV Normalizer (3dsmax macro script)  (0) 2017.05.23
Posted by fx0275
2018. 6. 29. 12:35

MagicaVoxel (3D voxel modelling Tool) Tools2018. 6. 29. 12:35



'Tools' 카테고리의 다른 글

Pixelator  (0) 2018.07.29
VECmap tools - Fflowmap gen tool -3DSMAX  (0) 2018.07.10
Pixelate It™ for After Effects  (0) 2017.06.01
Advanced UV Normalizer (3dsmax macro script)  (0) 2017.05.23
Graph  (0) 2017.05.19
Posted by fx0275